Friday, February 6, 2009

Mambo Jumbo at Zouk

This entry has a counterpart in Spanish. Trying to keep a multilingual blog :)

I am going to start a serie of posts about my favorites in Singapore: my favorite cafe, me favorite place for the first drink, my favorite place to relax on Sunday... But I couldnt start this posts but with my favorite place to spend Wednesday Nights: Mambo Jumbo at Zouk

Zouk is not my favorite club in Singapore. I think that the music is way too hard and I dont really enjoy it. However, on Wednesday it changes and music is more melodic, with hits from the 80s and 90s. So they will mix Africa (Toto) with Wannabe (Spice Girls) or the infamous ...Baby One More Time (Britney Spears). I have to admit that I feel like a little boy with this music and with all these hits.

I dont want to finish without saying that the most shoking thing about Mambo Jumbo is the way people dance. It is so curious that even English Wikipedia has an entry for Mambo Jumbo Special Dance Moves. Everyone (and when I say everyone I mean the whole club but me and my friends :P) dances as if it was a coreography where they already knew what to do at each move. They have special movements for "love", "heart", "time", "touch", "you", "me"... Tons of fun!

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