Monday, February 16, 2009

Fin de semana en Ho Chi Minh City

Gracias a las ofertas de Tiger Airways hemos disfrutado de un fin de semana en Ho Chi Min City (Ciudad Ho Chi Minh o antiguamente conocida como Saigón). Como a la vuelta me tocó uno de los vuelos más aburridos de mi vida, me dediqué a escribir el post del viaje en unos trozos de papel que tenía por ahí. Aquí os dejo los imágenes de los documentos (clicar en ellas para hacerlas grandes y leerlas) y perdonad por mi mala caligrafía.


kay_fab said...

=O wowww ..

a vintage journal entry! handwritten and *everything*!

people still do these??


::runs away::

Anonymous said...

handwritten? this must be footwritten!!! Even his nieces write nicer! Dora didn't do enough!!!
(t'estimo chispo, nomes era per ficarme una mica amb tu!)
Ah i la lu no et supera, pero l'Ana que ja casi te un any está al limit! a practicar caligrafia que tant ordinador t'esta matant!!!du

xevi said...

hello both of you. kay, this stranger under the name of anonymous is my sister :). the handwriting is meant to give some authenticity to this blog!

kay_fab said...

so this is núria then? it's nice to meet you :)

i subjected poor xevi to the task of reading my own handwriting today. sadly, i can't say it was any more legible than his "chicken scratch" (i believe the term in spanish is "garabatos"?) :P

Anonymous said...

this stranger? call me "anonymous" but not stranger!nice to meet you too kay. I don't know who you are but I what I am certain of is that you and I are the only readers of this blog! No offense, Xevi! Just kidding!There is a third one who hardly ever leves comments (maybe this will make him write).
Thanks for teaching me this new word "chicken scratch". I learned another one this morning: "monster walking" (Xevi, just for your info, this is who Ana's walking is called, and actually totally fits her!!!).

xevi said...

ok, this is what i dont want, two people fighting in the same team against fabulous xevi :P. i am happy that my god-daughter knows how to do the monster walking. lets hope she changes it eventually for the princess walking hahaha